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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Free Yoga Tips

Yoga is a science of right living and it works when integrated in our daily life. It works on all aspects of the person: the physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual. The word yoga means 'unity' or 'oneness' and is derived from the Sanskrit word 'yuj' which means 'to join'.

There are too many misconceptions clouding the science of Yoga. People perceive it to be some kind of black or white magic, sorcery, physical or mental debauchery through which miraculous feats can be performed. For some it is an extremely dangerous practice which should be limited to only those who have renounced the world. Few others think it to be a kind of mental and physical acrobatism that is compatible only to a Hindu mind.

The human mind is subject to certain weaknesses which are universal. avidya-wrong notions of the external world, asmita-wrong notions of the external world, asmita-wrong notions of oneself, raga-longing and attachment for sensory objects and affections, dweshad is like and hatred for objects and persons, and abinivesha or the love of life are the five defects of the mind that must be removed. Yoga, the constant meditation and introspection eradicate these mental flaws.

We have organised some background information on understanding Yoga better, which dated as far back as 100 years ago. Just click on the links below for the information you are interested to find out.

Best of all, Yoga is apt for all, regardless of age, color, caste, creed or religion; from the healthiest to the sickest, from the richest to the poorest, from the whitest to the blackest. And here are some of the specific - and immense - benefits of yoga.

Benefits of Yoga

Brings down stress and enhances powers of relaxation
Boosts physical strength, stamina and flexibility
Bestows greater powers of concentration and self control
Inculcates impulse Control
Helps in rehabilitation of old and new injuries
Intensifies tolerance to pain and enhancing mental clarity
Boosts functioning of the immune system
Enhances posture and muscle tone
Improves blood circulation
Results in healthy, glowing skin
Cleanses and improves overall organ functioning
Bestows peace of mind and a more positive outlook to life
nfuses a sense of balance and internal harmony

Types of Yoga

Under this section of Yoga types, different Yoga styles and Yoga paths have been discussed. The prominent Yoga types or Yoga styles are Bhakti Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Purna Yoga and Raja Yoga. Though all the above Yoga styles are popular among the Yoga followers but the Kundalini Yoga type is most sought after in the west. It is interesting to note that different Yoga types have their unique virtues. Some Yoga styles are useful for physical strength whereas some are useful for increasing mental prowess.

There are many different types of yoga, and it is important to choose a form that is appropriate for each individual's level of fitness, goals, and medical condition. Some of the most popular and widely available forms are briefly explained below.

1- Bhakti Yoga
2- Hatha Yoga
3- Jnana Yoga
4- Karma Yoga
5- Kundalini Yoga
6- Mantra Yoga
7- Purna Yoga
8- Raj Yoga

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